July 22-24, 28-30 7PM
Come Join us in Centennial Park. For directions and ticket information please visit our Eventbrite.
Our works are produced on the traditional unceded territory of the Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) and Mi’kmaq Peoples. This territory is covered by the “Treaties of Peace and Friendship” which Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) and Mi’kmaq Peoples first signed with the British Crown in 1725. The treaties did not deal with surrender of lands and resources but in fact recognized Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) title and established the rules for what was to be an ongoing relationship between nations.
A Tasty Wee Bit of Community Amusement
To me there are few things in life as delicious as a good joke. I love the way tasteful humour excites my mouth to open laughter. Much like any yummy morsel the only way to enjoy the experience is with others. The Merry Wives of Windsor by Shakespeare is for me that type of scrumptious snack. I think we can all agree that what we would really like a refreshing laugh, together.
The town of Windsor has been a little bored, but the opportunity to play a good prank on an opportunist named Falstaff is just too tantalizing. Falstaff is sure he can entice all the women in town to pay for his drink, so sure he composes a send to all text full of poetry (and himself). The wives want revenge! Soon they have pulled their spouses, the bartender, the parson, the doctor and even the kid who cuts the grass into their elaborate plans. One prank is never enough to satisfy, especially these over the top personalities, so by the end of the play they have pulled off three escapades.
Come join Hubcity Theatre in Centennial Park this July and be in on the shenanigans. Cheer on the wives, root for your favourite bachelor to win the hand of the beautiful Anne Page, and enjoy the outdoors while consuming this present day version of the Shakespearean classic The Merry Wives of Windsor.
Director’s Message
While I was considering scripts for this years Shakespeare in the Park with Hubcity. I was hungry. Hungry to get back to theatre, hungry to have community gather. I was trying to imagine what the Moncton audience would be hungry for. The first time I work with a company and community I am always curious what the local flavour will be. The one place I have learned to start when cooking up a show is good stock. So I looked for a Shakespearean show that had good stock characters any audience could relate to.
The Merry Wives of Windsor has fun characters that resemble the people of any community I have ever lived in. This ensemble show full of stereotypical characters fit the structure of a Commedia dell Arte experience. Leaving only the challenge of trying to make a structured Shakespearean script blend into an improvised style of theatre. A challenge this cast has taken on with gusto, seasoning the experience with local jokes, some French and their own takes on these roles.
Placed in the picnic area of the park, the show has become an outdoor feast. I am so full and grateful for a company and a community that has contributed to making this show the full flavour experience that has excited me to laugh once again.
-Jo Dixon
(in order of appearance)
Host ………………………..……. Hillary Bushell
Sir John Falstaff …………..……..JB Vanier
Pistol ………………………..…….Rija Rabearivelo
Nym ………………………………Sandratana Rasolonjatovo
Robin ……………………………..Emma Chapman
Master Ford ………………….…..John MacKenzie
Mistress Ford …………………… Kelly Tynan
Madame Page ………………..…Jill Quiring
Mistress Page………………….…Amanda Spear
Mistress Ann Page ………………Suzanne LaPointe
Mistress Ann Page (understudy)..Sarina Jones
Fenton……………………………Parham Mortazavi
Shallow ………………………….Georgia Ross
Slender ………………………….Malcolm Denby
Simple……………………………Rory Smith
Sir Hugh Evans……………...…..Mark McPhee
Doctor Caius…………….………Myles Botten
Mistress Quickly ……………...…Mika Driedger
John Rugby……………..……….Rowan Babstock
Jo Dixon - Director
Bryna Dickson Roper - Assistant Director
Darren Blois - Producer
Julie Sutherland - Dramaturge
Gisèle Clements- Stage Manager
City of Moncton
Cansel Printing
Special thanks to the Wichita Shakespeare Company for their version of the text Edited by Jane Tanner.